Nom got to hang out with the sweetest little trio of cousins for a family photo session at home in Moseley. Their mums decided to get some pictures of them together as Christmas gifts for their Grandparents. Not sure they’d reckoned with little Reeva raiding the drinks cupboard though!
The last time we took photos with this family Keir was the only little one, so Nom took pictures of him surrounded by adoring fans. Enter the time machine here.

It was super sweet to see Keir now he’s four and to take photos of him on the exact same sofa now joined by his little sister too. These guys pulled out the photo book they made after our last session and it was the cutest thing watching the children point out all their family members.

And of course there’s this little pudding Aaron. He is the most chill little guy! Quite happy watching what his cousins were up to and letting them pinch whatever toy he happened to be holding on to.
We love how at home family sessions make for such relaxed photos. These little ones had all their toys and snacks. They got on with the important business of playing together and Nom just swooped in and recorded what they were up to. If you’d like some relaxed at home photos too, our vouchers are instant downloads and make lovely gifts.